Kulturlandschaft Switzerland: Strategic Design for the Cultural LandscapeMichael Wagner

“Everything shaped by humans is culture; this includes the entire territory. Cultured landscapes are created by the constant interaction of humans with nature. Their regional characteristics are due to natural conditions and increase with growing technological development. With this holistic concept of the Kulturlandschaft built as well as non-built areas can be considered as ONE continuous culturally shaped landscape. Michael Wagner will present some hands-on strategic designs that have been developed within the research platform Kulturlandschaft at the chair of Prof. Kees Christiaanse to allow insights for possible context-sensitive and long-term transformation strategies and to open up the discussion about the future identity of a sustainable Kulturlandschaft in Switzerland.”
Michael Wagner (Dipl. Arch. ETH/SIA) is senior assistant and lecturer for urban design at the ETH Zurich, University of Zurich, University of Lichtenstein and held a visiting professorship Agenda Lehre at the Technical University of Munich in summer 2014. At the Chair of Prof. Kees Christiaanse he is leading the research platform Kulturlandschaft. After being project leader in different architecture and urban design offices in Zurich over several years, he is now leading the office Wagner Vanzella Architekten in Zurich together with Raphael Vanzella. His fields of interest include the capacity for regeneration of urban territories, land use negotiation processes and their results on spatial and urban design, as well as the creation of synergies by coordinating issues of settlement, infrastructure, energy production, and landscape for the development of sustainable, medium-density urban territories. His special interest applies to trans-disciplinary cooperations and the close interconnection of design, research, and current practice.