Design Studio
Spring 2024

District HeatingThe Potential of Heating Zurich LocallyNour Ben M’barek and Catia Marcotullio

The city of Zurich is in the midst of an energy revolution. It wants to move away from oil and gas and rely on district heating. But where does the energy come from that is fed into the underground pipes in the form of heat and supplies the city of Zurich all year round? We have long assumed that there are three main sources of heat: heat from the Hagenholz and Aubrugg incineration plants, which burn waste and wood. And heat from the Werdhölzli sewage treatment plant, which burns sewage sludge.

In reality, the situation is much more complex. The energy companies erz, ewz and energie360°, together with the city of Zurich, manage the district heating network, which relies on more than three sources to guarantee Zurich’s supply. The district heating infrastructure continues to expand. More and more houses are being connected to the network. In political terms, will it become a public good available to all residents? Like the Internet or the SBB?

In our work, we get to the bottom of these questions. From the (in)visibility of the district heating infrastructure to questions of public service, sources and their deficits.
We want to know how deficits in the energy transition can be solved. Without making the infrastructure invisible, but to develop awareness and pride in the city for this rather unknown heating system.