A Critical Walk: An Expedition into the Near

This expedition will be performed as a part of Architecture of Territory’s Territorial Design in Histories, Theories, and Projects lecture series. It will employ critical walking as an ethnographic and artistic method by taking the students out of the classroom and into the field—an uncommon urban expedition, or a “safari”, into the near and the (un)familiar.
Nazlı Tümerdem is an architect and researcher from Istanbul. She received her B.Arch degree (2008) from Istanbul Technical University and M.Arch degree (2011) from Istanbul Bilgi University. She worked as an architect in various architectural offices and as a lecturer at several universities. In 2016, she was part of the team of Turkish Pavilion for the 15th Architecture Biennial of Venice. She completed her PhD entitled Istanbul Walkabouts: A Critical Walking Study of Northern Istanbul (2018) at Istanbul Technical University and continues performing walks around northern Istanbul as a part of her walking research project Istanbul Walkabouts. She is a postdoctoral researcher at Architecture of Territory.