
Gillman Barracks, Singapore

Potential Agriterritories: Agrarian Questions and Agroecological Design

With nearly half of the total land area on the planet dedicated to agricultural production, the urbanisation and industrialisation of agrarian territories have emerged among the most urgent impacts affecting ecologies and ecosystems worldwide. Through fieldwork in agrarian regions supporting Zurich and Singapore, Potential Agriterritories explores critical questions emerging under 21st-century planetary urbanisation. What would be the alternatives to global food regimes that shape regional agricultural landscapes and local food cultures? Can we de-commodify agricultural territories of the Global North, such as those around Zurich? Can we decolonise plantations of the Global South, such as palm oil plantations surrounding Singapore?

Potential Agroecological Region Zurich
Map: Karoline Kostka and Muriz Djurdjevic, Architecture of Territory, ETH Zurich and ETH FCL Global, 2023.

The exhibition showcases parts of an evolving research and design archive created by Architecture of Territory at ETH Zurich. The two large maps explore urbanisation processes and their effects on emerging agricultural territories and landscapes in the metropolitan regions of Zurich (2023) and Singapore-Johor-Riau (2015). Placed in dialogue, those maps present foreign and familiar (agricultural) landscapes to provoke critical reflection on regional, sustainable food production. The video footage shows agricultural practices in Singapore-Johor-Riau and around Zurich, including experimental and pioneering practices of permaculture, solidarity agriculture and biodynamic farming.