C. A. Doxiadis and Planning in the Network EraPanayotis Tournikiotis

“What human beings need is not utopia but entopia.” C. A. Doxiadis
Constantinos Apostolos Doxiadis is one of the preeminent figures of twentieth century city and regional planning. He designed more than forty new cities around the world based on his vision of the emerging global city, ecumenopolis. His planning theory, ekistics, founded upon the intersection of criticism against modern town planning and the study of ancient Greek cities, aimed to propose a radically new approach to urban and regional planning.
Panayotis Tournikiotis is the professor of architectural theory at the National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture. He has studied architecture, town planning, geography, and philosophy in Athens and Paris. His research focus on critical history and theory, and the way understanding the past may contribute to the interdisciplinary setting of design strategies in architecture and town planning. He has authored and edited many books including Adolf Loos: The Parthenon and its Impact in Modern Times, The Historiography of Modern Architecture, Architecture in Modern Times, and The Diagonal of Le Corbusier. He has been active as a curator in architectural events and he contributes on the board of many institutions. His recent work explores the legacy of Le Corbusier in Greece and the reinvention of the city centre in metropolitan Athens.
Entopia: place that is practicable—that can exist, from the Greek word en and topos, “in” and “place”. Term coined by Doxiadis, and discussed in his book Between Dystopia and Utopia (1966).