Architecture and NatureStefano Boeri in conversation with Anne Lacaton

How can Architecture include living nature as a constitutive element—and not as a simple decoration? How can architecture dialogue with the unpredictable and uncanny presence of nature? Can the inclusion of living nature inside architecture seriously contribute to reverse Climate Change (reducing air pollution, absorbing CO2 and increasing living species biodiversity)? Should we consider a kind of a non-anthropocentric urban ethic?
The lecture will be followed by a conversation with Anne Lacaton.
Stefano Boeri was born in Milan in 1956, and is the founding partner of Stefano Boeri Architetti. He earned a master’s degree in Architecture from Polytechnic University of Milan and a PhD in architecture in 1989 from Iuav University of Venice. Stefano Boeri was the editor-in-chief of the international magazine Domus from 2004 to 2007 and Abitare from 2007 to 2011. He is the professor of urban planning at Polytechnic University of Milan. He has been visiting professor in many international Universities as GSD Harvard Graduate School of Design, Berlage Institute, Columbia University. From 2013 he is also the artistic director of MI/ARCH, an international festival of architecture promoted by the Politecnico Di Milano.
Anne Lacaton born in 1955 is one of the principals of Lacaton & Vassal Architectes, based in Paris, France. She graduated from the School of Architecture, Bordeaux in 1980, and obtained a Diploma in Urban Planning at the University of Bordeaux in 1984. She was Visiting Professor at the University of Madrid, Master Housing (2007-13); Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL Lausanne) in 2004, 2006 and 2010-11; University of Florida, Ivan Smith Studio in 2012; University of NY-Buffalo, Clarkson Chair in 2013; Pavillon Neuflize OBC-Palais de Tokyo, Paris, in 2013-14; Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD): Kenzo Tange 2011 and Design Critic 2015. Since 2017 she is also Associate Professor of Architecture and Design at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), based in Zurich, Switzerland.