After Monoculture: Repair in AgriterritoriesMilica Topalović

The lecture “After Monoculture: Repair in Agriterritories” is part of the session 3 “After Territory” of the Transitional Territories Lecture Series at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft.
The Transitional Territories lecture series explores the agency of design as a mode of investigation and reflexive transformation of the ever-changing interrelations between natural processes, societal practices, and (geo)political frameworks. Session 3 aims to unpack relationships between climate, capitalism, and the global hinterland question.
The 2022–23 edition marks the end of a cycle of investigations of the Transitional Territories research group and graduation studio on the Inland-Seaward topic. Jointly with the Water Landscapes of Crisis and Hope Studio and under the provocative title “After Territory” it aims to bring together perspectives from urban and landscape theory, critical media, and design to explore spatial approaches and concepts that can help decipher material processes of anthropogenic transformation of the earth across scales. The series aspires to offer critical insights into the state and agency of the territorial project within the pressing context of the climate crisis and the associated social and ecological tensions.
Next to Milica Topalović (ETH Zurich), speakers include Stephan Petermann (MANN), Dehlia Hannah (University of Copenhagen) and Jeff Diamanti (University of Amsterdam).