On Palms, Weevils, and Owls: Tracing More-than-human Labour in the Oil Palm Territories of Johor, MalaysiaHans Hortig

The lecture is part of NTU CCA IdeasFest, a platform to catalyse critical exchange of ideas and encourage thinking “out of the box”. It links the artistic and academic communities with grassroots and self-organised initiatives and small-scale entrepreneurship. Following the global call for an ecological turn in art, architecture, and design, NTU CCA IdeasFest 2023 FOOD Eat. Secure. Sustain. presents projects that engage, investigate, and aim to ensure food security on a healthy planet. The vitality of food poses a wide-ranging set of questions and problems when confronted with nature’s diminishing capacity to nourish life as a result of harmful anthropocentric activity. Such challenges demand that we rethink our modes of production and consumption.