Urbanism After UrbanismMilica Topalović

The discussion is exciting and I am happy to be here. Or maybe I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. It is difficult at the moment, but let’s see what happens. I will not show any work to start with. I just want to make a few notes about urbanism and about teaching urbanism. Quite recently, I watched this film Architects’ Congress, which was commissioned by Siegfried Gideon and realized by László Moholy-Nagy in 1933. It documents a group of one hundred architects travelling from Marseille to Athens on board a ship with the name Patris II, which has become one of the key moments in architecture and urbanism in the twentieth century, namely the fourth CIAM [Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne – Ed.] meeting, where the charter of the functionalist city was drafted. The film is half an hour long and highly entertaining. I was immediately struck by a few observations that perhaps seem rather optimistic yet in contradiction to our current situation in the architectural profession. …