The Architectural Review
September 2022
AN INDIGENOUS UNIVERSITYUrsula Biemann, Santiago del Hierro, Álvaro Hernández Bello, Giovanna Micarelli, Juliana Ramírez, and Iván Darío Vargas Roncancio

In the Andean-Amazonian Indigenous context, despite the violence of colonisation, the understanding that humans are an integral and equal part of all life systems has enjoyed a long-uninterrupted history, from which we have much to learn. The proposal for a new Indigenous bio-cultural university led by the Inga People of Colombia is an expression of a mode of learning, teaching and co-creating knowledge that involves other-than-human beings as sentient and cognitive entities comprising a living territory. Unlike the idea that knowledge creation is an act of human attribution of meaning to an external and agent-less world, for the Inga the world can be better understood when other-than-human beings are considered subjects or actors.