Soil as Common ProjectFlorian Hertweck and Paola Viganò

The ecological transition to a carbon-free society is the only answer to the challenges of global warming. It is a fertile path for our cities, villages and territories in search of new development scenarios and lifestyles. How can we design a trajectory based on actions that are both desirable, low in resources and scalable for the territory of Greater Geneva?
The lecture takes place in the context of the conference cycle “Designing the transition of Greater Geneva” hosted by the Foundation Braillard Architects, in partnership with Département du territoire du Canton de Genève and the Pôle métropolitain du Genevois français. It aims to share and debate ideas gathered in the Consultation Grand Genève 2050 with a broader public, and to highlight cross-cutting thematic approaches elaborated by the seven participating teams.
The team of Prof. Milica Topalović ETH Zurich D-ARCH Chair of Architecture and Territorial Planning, Prof. Dr. Florian Hertweck University of Luxembourg FHSE Master in Architecture, and Raumbureau A+U will present the project “Grand Genève et son sol”—a territorial strategy for a more self-sufficient and polycentric cross-border region set on the ideas of common land.
Four Lectures of the Conference Cycle Designing the Transition of Greater Geneva
- Soil as Common Project
Florian Hertweck, Paola Viganò
- Networks and Energy
Marc Armengaud, Oscar Buson
- Common Resources
Franck Hulliard, Nathalie Mongé
- Metropolitan Forms and Constellations
Stefano Boeri, Milica Topalović